Naive Bayes Classification

In the previous articles, we introduced several classification algorithms like logistic regression. These models are often called discriminative models since they make prediction by calculating \(P(Y|X)\) directly. Sometimes it might be hard to compute. Another way to think of this is that samples are generated from the existed distributions. And one of the most popular models is Naive Bayes classification.

Support Vector Machine

Maximise the margin Given a linearly separable set of data $D = (x_i, y_i)_{i=1}^n$ where $y_i \in -1, 1$, there are many lines that separates the data. Which one is the best? Intuitively, the line with the largest distance to all samples generates more space to avoid misclassification. Mathematically, this can be described as follows, $$ y_i d_i \ge \Delta $$ where $d_i$ is the distance from $x_i$ to the separating plane and $\Delta$ is the margin.


So far, we’ve talked much about supervised learning. Aside from it, there exist many other learning types such as unspervised learning, semi-supervised learning and so on. This post will introduce one of the most widely used unsupervised clustering algorithms — K-means. We will cover the implementation of K-means algorithm, the limitation of this algorithm as well as its applications.

Logistic Regression

We’ve known that linear regression can be used to predict a continuous value, but sometimes the target variable might be categorical, i.e. whether tomorrow is sunny or someone has a cancer. Can we still use linear regression to solve this classification problem? The answer is Yes and the algorithm that we will introduce in this article is known as logistic regression. Well, we can also try Perceptron since it’s also a linear classifier. PS: Don’t mix it up with linear regression. Logistic regression is a classification algorithm.


Perceptron is a traditional classification algorithm and it is the basis of the neural network. Though it’s out of date, it plays a historical role in the development of neural network. Knowing how it works will help us lay the foundations for the future study of the neural network.