Singular Value Decomposition

Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) is an important concept in Linear Algebra. Any matrix can be decomposed into the multiplication of three matrices using SVD. In machine learning, SVD is typically used to reduce dimensionality. Another popular dimension reduction technique is PCA. We will cover both of them in this post.

Ensemble Methods

Ensemble means a group of people or a collection of things.Thus, ensemble methods means rather than using a single model, we will use a group of different models to gain a better prediction. In fact, ensemble methods often outperform other models in Kaggle competitions. In this post, we will talk about the most popular ensemble methods , including voting, bagging, and boosting.

Decision Tree

The way decision tree works is similar to the way we make decisions in real life. For example,when you are going to watch a movie, you might have some questions on your head, such as ‘Is it a fiction movie? Is it directed by David Fincher?’ From Figure 1, we can see that a decision tree builds a binary tree to partion the data. Each node is a decision rule based on a feature and the tree can grow endlessly.

Linear Regression 02

In the previous post, we talked about simple linear regression. However, we only considered one predictor. It’s quite common to have multiple predictors for real-world problems. For example, if we want to predict car prices, we should consider many factors like car sizes, manufacturers and fuel types. The simple linear regression is not suitable for this case. Therefore, we need to extend it to accommodate the multiple predictors.