没有整啥插件,使用 less variable 覆盖即可


现在大多数中后台开发都是基于第三方UI(如 antd, element-ui),通常业务也会要求自己的主题定制,这就涉及到所谓的 换肤

庆幸的是,这些 UI 提供了这样的功能,拿 antd 来说,themes/default.less 包含了其使用的全部颜色变量,业务只需要覆盖即可。

// -------- Colors -----------
@primary-color: @blue-6;

// >>> Warning
@warning-color: @gold-6;


颜色定制的原理,其实是 less 提供了对 less variables 的修改,参考 文档

  '@buttonFace': '#5B83AD',
  '@buttonText': '#D9EEF2'

所以只需要在构建里加一个自动 modifyVars,注入对应的变量即可

css: {
  preprocessorOptions: {
    less: {
      modifyVars: generateModifyVars(),
      javascriptEnabled: true,

function generateModifyVars() {
  return {
    hack: '; @import (reference) ./src/styles/theme.less'


  • javascriptEnabled 干啥的
  • 除了 modifyVars 还有其他参数吗
  • hack 干啥的
  • @import (reference)@import 有什么区别

Q1 javascriptEnabled

开启这个即允许 code injection,但是

False by default starting in v3.0.0. Enables evaluation of JavaScript inline in .less files. This created a security problem for some developers who didn’t expect user input for style sheets to have executable code.

理论上来说,修改 less variable 不需要这个参数,但是因为我们依赖的是 antd ,这个 UI 定义了一个基于 less 变量的调色板,这里有一堆 js function,比如

.colorPaletteMixin() {
@functions: ~`(function() {
  var getHue = function(hsv, i, isLight) {


Q2 modifyVars

还有 globalVars ,区别就是一个是在文件头部,一个在文件最后注入。当然,如果你在文件头部注入,业务恰好有同名变量,也是会被覆盖,这个要注意,所以我们采用 modifyVars

lessc --global-var="color1=red"	{ globalVars: { color1: 'red' } }
lessc --modify-var="color1=red"	{ modifyVars: { color1: 'red' } }

除了这两个,我们还可以注入 banner,看一下源码

parse: function (str, callback, additionalData) {
  let globalVars;
  let modifyVars;
  let preText = '';

  globalVars = (additionalData && additionalData.globalVars) ? `${Parser.serializeVars(additionalData.globalVars)}\n` : '';
  modifyVars = (additionalData && additionalData.modifyVars) ? `\n${Parser.serializeVars(additionalData.modifyVars)}` : '';

  if (globalVars || (additionalData && additionalData.banner)) {
    preText = ((additionalData && additionalData.banner) ? additionalData.banner : '') + globalVars;

Q3 hack

这个其实你可以用任意的名字,不信看 源码实现

Parser.serializeVars = vars => {
  let s = '';

  for (const name in vars) {
    if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(vars, name)) {
      const value = vars[name];
      s += `${((name[0] === '@') ? '' : '@') + name}: ${value}${(String(value).slice(-1) === ';') ? '' : ';'}`;

  return s;


  hack: '; @import (reference) ./src/styles/theme.less;'

最终会变成 @hack: ; @import (reference) ./src/styles/theme.less';

Q4 @import (reference)

为啥不是 @import 呢??看下 官方文档 怎么说的?

Imagine that reference marks every at-rule and selector with a reference flag in the imported file, imports as normal, but when the CSS is generated, “reference” selectors (as well as any media queries containing only reference selectors) are not output. reference styles will not show up in your generated CSS unless the reference styles are used as mixins or extended.
