
过去一年,团队开展了 MR 机制,但是效果不是很理想,原因有几个:

  • 会 CR 的人太少
  • 缺少时间
  • 缺少 CR 规范
  • MR 通知不及时



  • 不知道怎么CR
  • 发起MR后,未及时感知

第一个问题的解决方法,可以是制定相关规范,让大家『有迹可循』,看多了也就知道问题在哪了;第二个问题,那就是自动化的问题,可以选择接入机器人,通知到 IM

所以,这篇文章就是简单介绍一下如何接入 gitlabwebhook 实现 MR 的自动通知



  • 拦截 MR 相关事件(open/update/close)

  • 提取需要的信息

  • 定时发送消息到 IM,这里我们用 飞书 举例

Step 1 Webhook

gitlab 本身就提供了 webhook 允许自建应用响应 gitlab 相关事件,比如

  • push
  • tag
  • issue
  • merge request

其中 Merge request 又支持多个 action

  • open
  • close
  • update
  • merge

gitlabsettings => Webhooks 里,填写如下信息

  • webhook urlapplication endpoint,比如 https://examples.com/gitlab-mr

  • security token 会附加在请求头 X-Gitlab-Token ,进行安全校验,自定义字符串即可

  • Trigger 根据自己的需求勾选,这里就是 mr

据此,我们定义以下 enum

// X-Gitlab-Token HTTP header
export const GITLAB_WEBHOOK_TOKEN = 'your custom string'

// 支持的事件类型
export enum GITLAB_EVENT_TYPE {
  // a new comment is made on commits, merge requests, issues, and code snippets
  COMMENT = 'note',
  MERGE_REQUEST = 'merge_request',

export enum MR_ACTION {
  open = 'open',
  reopen = 'reopen',
  update = 'update',

  merge = 'merge',
  close = 'close',

  approved = 'approved',
  unapproved = 'unapproved',

Step 2 Server

搭建应用的话,可以选用 koa 起一个简单的 node server

import Koa from 'koa'
import KoaRouter from '@koa/router'
import { gitlabHookHandler } from './gitlab/handler'
import koaBody from 'koa-body'

const app = new Koa()
const router = new KoaRouter()

.get('/', () => {
  console.log('hello world')
// your own endpoint
.post('/gitlab-mr', gitlabHookHandler)



API Validation


  • Invalid Security Token 这个就是前面 settings => webhooks 里的 Security Token

  • Empty Body

  • Invalid EVENT_TYPE 不是所有 gitlab 的事件都要处理

  • Invalid Projects 只接受指定项目的 webhook

export async function gitlabHookHandler(ctx) {
  // ...
  const { headers, body } = ctx.request
  // Token Validation
  const token = headers['X-Gitlab-Token'] || headers['x-gitlab-token']
  if (!token || token != GITLAB_WEBHOOK_TOKEN) {
    return responseError('invalid Secret Token')

  // Empty Body
  if (!body) {
    return responseError('Empty Response')

  const eventType = body.object_kind
  // Check Event Type
  if (!Object.values(GITLAB_EVENT_TYPE).includes(eventType)) {
    return responseError(`${eventType} event is not supported`)
  // Project Validation
  const { id, name } = body.project || {}
  if (!id || !GITLAB_PROJECT_LIST.find(p => p.id == id)) {
    return responseError(`Project [${name}] does not exist`)

一切都通过之后,就会进入 MergeRequest Handler 得到聚合后的数据,然后发送给 IM

const data = await mergeRequestHook(body)

MR Handler

When do we need MR notifications? Here are some cases

  • Open a MR with or w/o an assignee

  • Close a MR

  • Merge a MR

As mentioned before, data.object_attributes.action tells us which action is triggered.

export async function mergeRequestHook(data: IMergeRequestEvent) {
  const { action, } = data.object_attributes
  // basic data about the project and MR
  const basicInfo = {
    url: '', // mr url
    title: '', // mr title
    description: '', // mr description

  if (action == MR_ACTION.close) {
    return {
  if (action == MR_ACTION.open || action == MR_ACTION.reopen) {
    return {
  if (action == MR_ACTION.merge) {
    return {

  console.log(`MR action [${action}] is not supported`)

The above snippet does only one thing: collect data to be sent to IM.


For now, we have only data about the project and MR, but no user information. Specifically speaking, we don’t have the user id in Feishu. There are 2 ways to tackle this

  • save everyone’s user id in the config file
  • get userId by user’s mobile/email via Feishu API (we need to apply for token)

Once we have the userId, we can send the above information to someone in Feishu. Here is an example,

// the local user config file (Security Risk)
export const USER_LIST = [
    id: 01, // userId in gitlab
    username: 'gitlab user name',
    userId: 'userId in Feishu',

// 获取IM的用户id
export function getUserIdByGitId(id: string | number) {
  const m = USER_LIST.find(o => o.id == id)
  return m?.userId || ''

How to at someone?

// set username as the default value, if id does not exist
"content": `<at id=${f.id}></at>${f.id ? '' : f.name}`

Step 3 Schedule


  • 主动发起 APIgitlab

  • 设定每日定时提醒即可

首先申请 Token

export const GITLAB_API_V4 = `${GITLAB_HOST}/api/v4/`

// TODO: Security Risk
export const GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'your token'

根据文档,只要知道 projectId 就能获取对应项目的 MR 列表,Node 端我们依然选用 Axios 发起 HTTP 请求,同时注意,要把之前申请的 Token 带到请求头


const request = axios.create({
  timeout: 10 * 1000,
  headers: { 'Private-Token': GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }

export function fetchOpenedMRList(projectId: number) {
  return request.get(`/projects/${projectId}/merge_requests?state=opened`)

export async function createMRMention() {
  try {
    const allP = await Promise.all(GITLAB_PROJECT_LIST.map(async (p) => {
      const res = await fetchOpenedMRList(p.id)
      return res.data
    console.log('fetch opened mr done');
    allP?.forEach((data: IMergeRequest[]) => { // each project
      data.forEach((res: IMergeRequest) => { // each mr
        // ...

    sendRichText('MR 处理提醒', content)
  catch (e) {
    console.error('fetchOpenedMR Error', e)


const later = require('@breejs/later')

const s = later.parse.text('at 5:00 pm')
later.setInterval(createMRMention, s)

