In this post, we will learn how to build your own UI component library.

First of all, let’s have a peek at the final project structure.

▾ ui-demo
  ▾ docs
  ▾ play
  ▾ packages
    ▾ components
      ▾  button
        ▾  __docs__
        ▾  src
        ▾  style
        ▾  index.ts
    ▾ themes
      ▾ src
        ▾ button.less
      ▾ gulpfile.ts
      ▾ package.json
    ▾ utils
    ▾ wxp-ui
      ▾ index.ts
      ▾ package.json
  ▾ package.json
  ▾ typings
  ▾ .npmrc
  ▾ pnpm-workspace.yaml

Initialize a project

First, we install the package manager pnpm globally.

npm i pnpm -g

Then we create an empty project and initialize it. In this tutorial, the project is called ui-demo.

mkdir ui-demo
cd ui-demo
pnpm init -y

Next, install vue & typescript using pnpm, and then initialize the ts config file.

pnpm install vue@next typescript -D 

npx tsc --init

Generate the .npmrc and pnpm-workspace.yaml files under the root of ui-demo.

touch .npmrc

# content
shamefully-hoist = true

Since we are using vue + ts, a declare ts file vue-shim.d.ts should be included.

mkdir typings

cd typings

touch vue-shim.d.ts

Then copy the following content into vue-shim.d.ts.

declare module '*.vue' {
  import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue'
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
  const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
  export default component

Finally, declare the packages in pnpm config file pnpm-workspace.yaml.

touch pnpm-workspace.yaml

# the content
  - 'packages/**'
  - docs
  - play
  - '!**/__tests__/**'

Now, your project will look like this.


This is where you write components demos to debug components.

mkdir play
cd play

pnpm init -y
pnpm install vite @vitejs/plugin-vue -D



  • 确定包名&命名规范

  • 包模块划分



  • package scope

    • 包的私域,也就是 @wxp/wxp-ui 中的 @wxp

    • 因为一般UI都是基于公司业务开发不会对外发布,而且公司内部有自己的包管理平台,对应的也有自己的私域,一般是公司名,这里我们以自己的名字作为私域 @wxp

  • package name

    • 包的名字,即 @wxp/wxp-ui 中的 wxp-ui
  • workspace name

    • 因为这个组件库是基于 monorepo 的,他需要一个工作空间的概念,这里我们和 package-name 统一,约定为 @wxp-ui
  • 组件命名

    • 可以选择 upperCamelCasekebab-style
  • 组件导出命名 AButton

    • 为了防止和其他引入的组件库冲突,比如 antdAButton ,同时使自己的组件突出显示

    • 约定导出名字以 W 开头,比如 import WButton from './button.vue'

  • 组件的类名、less 中的全局变量名

    • 参考 antdant-,我们也约定一个 prefix 比如这里的 w-


// package scope
scope: @wxp

// package name
name: wxp-ui

// pnpm workspace name
pnpm scope: @wxp-ui

// 组件文件名 kebab-style

// 组件导出名 驼峰式,以 W 开头

// 组件的类名

// less 中的全局变量名,比如 .w-primary-color
abbr: w


By default, packages are stored in the folder packages. Of course, you can change the name. In this project, we create four packages, as shown below.

mkdir packages
mkdir packages/components
mkdir packages/themes
mkdir packages/utils
mkdir packages/wxp-ui

Then, we initialize the first three package and add a scope for them by modifying the name field in the file package.json.

cd components && pnpm init -y
cd themes && pnpm init -y
cd utils && pnpm init -y
  - "name": "components",
  + "name": "@wxp-ui/components",
  - "name": "themes",
  + "name": "@wxp-ui/themes",
  - "name": "utils",
  + "name": "@wxp-ui/utils",

The last package is a bit special. In fact, it’s the entry file that export all components.

import * as components from '@wxp-ui/components'
import type { App } from 'vue'

export default {
  install: (app: App) => {
    Object.entries(components).forEach(([ name, comp ]) => {
      app.component(name, comp)

export * from '@wxp-ui/components'

The package.json for this package is served as the final package.json for the published package.

  "name": "@wxp/wxp-ui",
  "version": "0.0.1-alpha.1",
  "description": "Vue UI Components",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./lib/index.js",
      "import": "./es/index.mjs"
    "./es": "./es/index.mjs",
    "./lib": "./lib/index.js",
    "./*": "./*"
  "main": "lib/index.js",
  "module": "es/index.mjs",
  "style": "dist/index.css",
  "unpkg": "dist/index.full.js",
  "peerDependencies": {
    "vue": "^3.2.20"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""

Now, install these packages at the root directory.

pnpm install @wxp-ui/components -w
pnpm install @wxp-ui/themes -w
pnpm install @wxp-ui/utils -w
pnpm install @wxp/wxp-ui -w

You can see that the above dependencies has been added into ui-demo/package.json.

"dependencies": {
  "@wxp-ui/components": "workspace:^1.0.0",
  "@wxp-ui/themes": "workspace:^1.0.0",
  "@wxp-ui/utils": "workspace:^1.0.0",
  "@wxp/wxp-ui": "workspace:^0.0.1-alpha.1",


Button 为例,以下就是一个 button 组件需要的文件

- packages/components
  - button
    - __docs__
    - __tests__ 
    - src
      - button.ts // props, types
      - button.vue // template + js
    - style
      - css.ts   // css module
      - index.ts  // less module
    - index.ts // entry


index.ts is the entry file. It does two things

  • export the component
  • register the component globally
import { withInstall } from "@wxp/utils/with-install"
import Button from './src/button.vue'

// register
const WButton = withInstall(Button)

// export 
export {
export default WButton


- button.ts
- button.vue

ts 定义 组件的 props

import type { ExtractPropTypes } from "vue" 

export const buttonProps = {
  type: {
    type: String,
    default: 'primary'

  size: {
    type: String,
    default: 'normal'

export type ButtonProps = ExtractPropTypes<typeof buttonProps>

vue 就是普通的 vue sfc

  <a-button :type="type" :size="size">

<script lang="ts">
import { Button } from 'ant-design-vue'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'WButton',
  components: {
    []: Button,


支持两种方式导入样式,less & css,可以看到

  • 这个文件仅仅是导入样式

  • 真正的样式是维护在 theme/src/button.less

  • theme/w-button.css 则是编译后的产物

PS:这些文件无需手动编写,后续我们会有一个 pnpm run create 的命令,一键创建开发组件的模板


import '@wxp-ui/theme/base.css'
import '@wxp-ui/theme/w-button.css'


import '@wxp-ui/theme/src/base.less'
import '@wxp-ui/theme/src/button.less'


简单的方式,在每个组件内编写 md,然后在构建的时候,同步到 packages/docs,找个插件类似 md2doc 转为静态页面即可

  - __docs__


  • 缺少交互

  • 无法给 UE 同学走查

为了兼容 开发/UE 同学,后面就升级为 storybook



按照约定,组件对应的样式名同组件名。可以看到,这里并没有 theme/w-button.css 只有源码 button.less

 - src
   - button.less
   - index.less
 - gulpfile.ts
 - package.json


除了组件样式之外,我们发现还多了一个 index.less,这是入口文件,会引入所有的组件样式,这是为了后续打包 dist/inde.css 做准备

// component styles, add your component style from here
@import './button.less';



  • js 支持 cjs/esm 引入

  • js/css 支持全量导入 dist/index.[js,css] ,也可以支持按组件引入


- dist
  - wxp-ui
    - dist
      - index.css // the whole css 
      - index.js // 
    - es // esm
      - components
        - button
          - src
          - style
          - index.mjs
      - index.mjs
    - lib // cjs
    - theme
      - w-button.css
      - index.css // the whole css 
      - src // the source code 
        - button.less
        - index.less 
    - package.json


  • 打包js
  • 打包css


先看样式,这个最简单,就只有一个事情 less2css,所以首先安装 less2css 的相关插件

pnpm install gulp-less @types/gulp-less @types/sass gulp-autoprefixer @types/gulp-autoprefixer @types/gulp-clean-css gulp-clean-css -w -D

观察 dist/wxp-ui/theme 下的目录结构,可以看到

  • 编译后的组件样式以 w- 开头

  • index.css 保持名字不变

  • src 是整个源码

function compile() {
  return src(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/*.less'))
    rename((path) => {
      // `index.css` 保持名字不变
      if (!/index/.test(path.basename)) {
        path.basename = `w-${path.basename}`
// 复制编译后的产物 packages/theme/dist 到 `dist/wxp-ui/theme`
function copy2Theme() {
  return src(
      path.resolve(__dirname, './dist/**'))
      .pipe(dest(path.resolve(__dirname, distThemeDir)))

// 复制源码 packages/theme/src 到 `dist/wxp-ui/theme/src`
function copyThemeSource() {
  return src(path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/**')).pipe(
    dest(path.resolve(distThemeDir, 'src'))


  • 一种简单的打包方式,是编译 ui-demo/packages 下所有的 js/ts/vue 结尾的文件

  • 另外一种就是指定/过滤 package 或者再进一步结合 js/vue/ts 文件类型进行打包

不管哪种方式,我们的目的都是编译高级语法的ts 到兼容性更好的 es6语法的cjs/esm格式,

同时我还希望维持源码的目录层级,因为这个组件库后续我还会添加其他的包,比如 plugins/utils 等(他们可以选择作为子包单独发布,也可以集成在这个组件库里,通过 import 自动导入

Step 1 确定输入文件

const input = excludeFiles(
  await glob('**/*.{js,ts,vue}', {
    cwd: packageRoot, // ui-demo/packages
    absolute: true,
    onlyFiles: true,
export const excludeFiles = (files: string[]) => {
  // 进一步去除不相关的 `ts/js/vue` 
  const excludes = ['node_modules', 'test', '__tests__', 'mock', 'gulpfile', 'dist']
  return files.filter(
    (path) => !excludes.some((exclude) => path.includes(exclude))

如果是方式2,我们可以调用 pnpm/findWorkspacePackages 遍历每个子包,明确的指定要编译的子包

export const getDistPackages = async () =>
  (await findWorkspacePackages(projectRoot))
   .map(pkg => ({ name:, dir: pkg.dir }))
   .filter(pkg=> !! && !!pkg.dir 
    && !'theme') // 过滤掉 package/theme

Step 2 build

打包可以使用 esbuild/vue/commonjs 等插件即可,但是有2个注意点

第一,我们发现 button/style/index.ts 中的引入路径不对,

import '@wxp-ui/theme/src/base.less'
import '@wxp-ui/theme/src/button.less'

@wxp-ui/themepnpm workspace name 的域名空间,而我们要发布到 npm 的组件库的域名空间是 @wxp,换句话说,期望的引入路径是这样的

import '@wxp/wxp-ui/theme/src/base.less'
import '@wxp/wxp-ui/theme/src/button.less'

那为什么不是 import '../../theme/src/base.less 呢??因为我们希望保持外链导入,而不是在构建 js 的时候,再次打包 css,为此还需要告诉构建工具 导入模块路径或者 id 包含theme 的都是 external 这样就可以保持该文件内容不变(具体实现代码见下方)


export async function lessPathAlias() {
  return {
    name: 'less-path-alias-plugin',

    resolveId(id, importer, options) {
      if (!id.startsWith('@wxp-ui')) return

      const THEME_CHALK = `@wxp-ui/theme`
      if (id.startsWith(THEME_CHALK)) {
        return {
          id: id.replaceAll(THEME_CHALK, `@wxp/wxp-ui/theme`), // 这一行替换
          external: 'absolute', // 保持外部引入

      return this.resolve(id, importer, { skipSelf: true, ...options })

第2个问题是,组件依赖的第三库怎么处理,这里我偷懒了,选择让业务方主动安装,为此我在 package/wxp-uipackage.json 定义了 peerDependencies

  "name": "@wxp/wxp-ui",
  "peerDependencies": {
    "vue": "^3.2.20"
export const generateExternal = async () => {
  return (id: string) => {
    const packages: string[] = ['vue', 'wxp-ui/theme', '@vue', ...getPeerDependencies('package/wxp-ui/package.json')]

    return [ Set(packages)].some(
      (pkg) => id === pkg || id.startsWith(`${pkg}/`)

最后用 rollup 打包即可

const bundle = await rollup({
  plugins: [
    await lessPathAlias(),
    vue({ target: 'browser' }),
      extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.ts'],
      sourceMap: true,
      target: 'es2018',
  external: await generateExternal(),
  treeshake: false,


Usually, we use npm link to install our package globally, and then we install it in other projects. However, if you are using other versions of this package, it could cause confusion. Thus, I don’t recommend this method.

The method I used is to write some bas scripts, like this,

pnpm run build

cp -R dist/wxp-ui ../your-project/node_modules/@wxp/

cd ../your-project
rm -rf node_modules/.vite

Well, there are two things to note

  • your project should have the level as the ui library
  • you must restart your server if you use vite

Of course, you can improve this script further by watching file changes and restarting server automatically.


最后为了方便一键创建组件模板,开发了一个简单的 cli,其实就是提前定义好模板,嵌入用户输入的组件名即可

enum IAction  {
  ADD = 'add'
  CREATE = 'create'
type ITemplate = {
  type: IAction // 创建新文件、追加文件
  folder: string
  name: string
  content: string[]

function cli() {
  const file = path.resolve(compDir, t.folder,

  if (t.type == 'create') {
    // create folder only
    if (! {
      return fs.ensureDir(path.resolve(compDir, t.folder))

    // create file
    return fs.ensureFile(file).then(() => fs.outputFile(file, t.content))

  else if (t.type == 'add') {
    return fs.readFile(file, 'utf8').then(data => {
      let idx = 0
      const newContent = data.replace(/((?:\/\/|<!--)\s*<SLOT>)/g, (m, p1) => t.content[idx++] + '\n' + p1)
      return fs.outputFile(file, newContent)

