Perceptron is a traditional classification algorithm and it is the basis of the neural network. Though it’s out of date, it plays a historical role in the development of neural network. Knowing how it works will help us lay the foundations for the future study of the neural network.


Perceptron is a linear binary classifier, where linear means that it separates the input space linearly and binary means that it classify a sample into one of the two categories. Let $\bold x_1, \bold x_2, \bold x_3, …, \bold x_n$ be observations and $y_n \in -1, 1$ be target classes, Perceptron model is defined as follows,

$$ \hat y_n = f( \bold w^T \bold x_n) $$

where $f(x)$ is an active function

$$ f(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $x \ge 0$} \\ -1 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$

Loss Function

If we classifiy correctly, $\hat y_n $ will have the same sign as $y_n$. Otherwise, it will have the opposite sign to $y_n$.

$$ g(x) = \begin{cases} \hat y_n y_n \ge 0& \text{if classified correctly} \\ \hat y_n y_n \lt 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$

At the same time, we find that the sign of $\hat y_n$ is determined by $w^Tx$, so we have

$$ g(x) = \begin{cases} y_n (\bold w^T \bold x_n) \ge 0& \text{if classified correctly} \\ y_n (\bold w^T \bold x_n) \lt 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$

We don’t care about what value of $w^tx_n$ is, instead, we are more interested in its sign. Naturally, the loss function is defined as follows,

$$ L = -\sum_{n \in M} y_n (\bold w^T \bold x_n) $$

where $M$ is the set of misclassified points. It’s clear that the loss function will reach the minimum point if we classify all samples correctly.

Parameter Estimation

Though we could take the derivative of $L$ w.r.t. $\bold w$

$$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \bold w} = -\sum_{n \in M} \bold x_n y_n $$

Obviously, we cannot set this equal to 0 and get a solution for $\bold w$. A common way to find the optimal parameter is to use gradient descent, as shown below

$$ \bold w^{t+1} = \bold w^t + \eta \sum_{n \in M} \bold x_n y_n $$

where $\eta$ is the learning rate. The updating of $\bold w$ could be iteratively — update $w$ when a sample is misclassified each time. Since $y_n \in -1, 1$, we can decompose the above equation into the below two equations

$$ \bold w^{t+1} = \begin{cases} \bold w + x_n & \text{if $y_n = 1$} \\ \bold w - x_n & \text{if $y_n = -1$}\end{cases} $$

If a point belongs to positive category, i.e. $y_n = 1$, but our model misclassifies it as a negative category, then we would move $\bold w$ along the direction towards this point because of $w + x_n$ and vice versa.


Putting it together, the whole algorithm of Perceptron is

  • Randomly initialise $w$
  • Until convergence or some stopping rules reached,
    • for $x_1, x_2, …, x_n$
      • compute $\hat y_n = f(w^T x_n)$
      • if $\hat y_n y_n < 0$,
        • if $y_n = 1$, update $w' = w + \eta x_n$
        • if $y_n = -1$, update $w' = w - \eta x_n$